Professional Home Staging and Interior Redesign Tips

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I hope to provide you with helpful tips and ideas to prepare your home to sell, along with redesigning tips that will make you fall in love with your home all over again.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Creating a Romantic Bedroom

Creating a Romantic Bedroom

The master bedroom is one of the most important rooms in a home and should inspire romance and warmth. Unfortunately, it is one of the most decor neglected rooms in a home. Either due to couples unsure how to create a romantic space or it's just last on the "to do list" and never gets done.
I am amazed at how many home owners will ask me to decorate/redesign rooms in their home and NOT include the master bedroom. When I ask why they are not including the master bedroom, I always get the same confused look on their face and response, " no one really will see our bedroom". My response is always the same YOU SEE IT EVERY DAY!! The master bedroom should be the first room on your list!

Here are ‎5 simple steps to help you get started.

1. Get rid of the clutter. You want our mind to be relaxed in this room. Don't bring your work or your family into the bedroom. That means no work papers, laptops or kid toys in here.

2. Create mood lighting in a bedroom by swapping out those harsh bright lights with table lamps, small corner up lights and candles. Dimmers are a must in a romantic bedroom.

3. Bring in layers of fabric such as, soft throws, pillows and a faux fur rug.

4. Your room must smell good too. Don't pour on the heavy perfumes. Bring in natural scents such as vanilla or lavender.

5. Don't forget the music. Always have your favorite mood music on hand. It helps buffer the sounds from the outside and it helps set the mood.

Have fun and enjoy.


  1. The master bedroom can be the "escape" from everyday busy life. I love having a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom and I think many potential buyers feel the same. When looking at houses I am usually more interested in houses that make me feel comfortable and at home.


  2. Worked great. My wife was impressed.

    Thanks chuck
