Professional Home Staging and Interior Redesign Tips

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I hope to provide you with helpful tips and ideas to prepare your home to sell, along with redesigning tips that will make you fall in love with your home all over again.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Creating a Romantic Bedroom

Creating a Romantic Bedroom

The master bedroom is one of the most important rooms in a home and should inspire romance and warmth. Unfortunately, it is one of the most decor neglected rooms in a home. Either due to couples unsure how to create a romantic space or it's just last on the "to do list" and never gets done.
I am amazed at how many home owners will ask me to decorate/redesign rooms in their home and NOT include the master bedroom. When I ask why they are not including the master bedroom, I always get the same confused look on their face and response, " no one really will see our bedroom". My response is always the same YOU SEE IT EVERY DAY!! The master bedroom should be the first room on your list!

Here are ‎5 simple steps to help you get started.

1. Get rid of the clutter. You want our mind to be relaxed in this room. Don't bring your work or your family into the bedroom. That means no work papers, laptops or kid toys in here.

2. Create mood lighting in a bedroom by swapping out those harsh bright lights with table lamps, small corner up lights and candles. Dimmers are a must in a romantic bedroom.

3. Bring in layers of fabric such as, soft throws, pillows and a faux fur rug.

4. Your room must smell good too. Don't pour on the heavy perfumes. Bring in natural scents such as vanilla or lavender.

5. Don't forget the music. Always have your favorite mood music on hand. It helps buffer the sounds from the outside and it helps set the mood.

Have fun and enjoy.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Staging to Entertain

Staging to Entertain

Thanksgiving Tablescapes

Each year on Thanksgiving families come together to give thanks and to feast on beautifully prepared food from recipes passed down from generation to generation. It’s only right to have an elegant tablescape to match.

Here are a few tips to get you well on your way to a welcoming and memorable tablescape for Thanksgiving.

Layers of Color

Fall offers us many beautiful colors to work with: burgundy, cranberry, chocolate and gold and oranges. Layering these colors together can really showcase your table.


Center Piece

An Autumn leaf table runner is an inexpensive, easy to make and a great way to add pops of color to your table. (see below for directions)

Cornucopia has been used over and over again and it’s time for a change. Change it up with clear glass cylinders of different sizes filled with acorns or nuts toped with fresh fall flowers. Hurricane candle holders filled with nuts and floating candles works great too.

Place Settings

Keep in mind that too many colors and patterns can look very busy and the eye won’t have a place to rest. Start with a neutral table cloth in a cream color. If your china does not have a pattern, use colorful placemats as an accent. Tie chocolate colored ribbon to cream color cloth napkins with a preserved or silk fall leaf.
Placing a small pumpkin or pear on each plate along with your guest’s place card adds the finishing touch to your table.

Lights and Lifts

If your Thanksgiving gathering is anything like mine, (at least 30 guests) a buffet style dinner is the way to go. I like my buffet table to be as fabulous as my tablescape.

Place stacks of books, upside down bowls, or anything else sturdy enough to hold platters on your buffet table. Tape Christmas twinkle lights around the lifts. Lifts should be higher in the back. Place table cloths over the lifts and lights to disguise the lifts and cords. I place lighter food items on lifts.
Smaller hay bales can also be used to create lifts to showcase your homemade desserts. Add fresh bouquets of mums, mixed gourds and your buffet table will be fabulous!!

Directions for Autumn leaf table runner
1. Start with a piece of clear cellophane cut to size.
2. Gather leaves or buy preserved leaves at a craft store. Cut the leaves from the branches right and trim the stem from the bottom of the leaf. If the leaves are a little wrinkled you can iron them - it looks better if the leaves lay flat.
3. Cover your work surface with newspaper and place your piece of cellophane on top.
4. Have you leaves ready and spray half of the cellophane with Tack 2000 spray adhesive.
5. Simply place the leaves onto the cello one at a time starting at the edge and overlapping the previously placed leaf.
6. Spray the other half of the cello and finish adding leaves

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Will Professional Home Staging Do For Me?

What Will Professional Home Staging Do For Me?

In today's market it becomes even more critical for homes to stand out and compete for the few buyers available. Clearly home sellers need a competitive edge when selling a home.
Home Staging cannot perform miracles. It can however help a home stand out from the competitors sell faster, and for top dollar.

How do we do it? Here are just a few examples of what we do.
1. Create great first impressions.
2. Create emotional connections in each room.
3. Create open spaces and a natural flow.
4. Provide color suggestions.
5. Help the seller decide what updates or repairs will help them get top dollar.
6. Give purpose to unused or multipurpose rooms.
7. Bring out the best features of a home.

Why can't I stage my own home?
A professional Home Stager is trained to prepare a home for sale that appeal to most buyers. We create focal points, enhance the homes best selling points and create spaces that buyers can make an emotional connection to. A home seller can try to stage their home on their own by reading books, watching TV shows and buying how to guides. This usually causes more stress on the seller and takes a lot of time and trial and error. A professional home stager is trained to objectively view your home and has the experience to prepare your home for showings that appeals to most buyers.

Won't staging cost me a lot of money?
Staging will cost far less than your first price reduction. Research shows that a staged home sells 50% faster and for more money than a home that is not staged. We work with items you already have and add a few accessories within your budget.

Do I need to stage my vacant home?
YES! An empty home is cold and uninviting to buyers. Some rooms may even be confusing to buyers as to the function of the room. By staging a vacant home we create a warm and inviting space and give purpose to each room. Buyers are more likely to have an emotional connection to a staged home than an empty house.

Can’t my Realtor help me stage my home?
Your Realtor has been trained to sell and buy homes. They are working very hard at marketing your home and bringing in potential buyers. Your Realtor can provide you with some great tips to get you started. A professionally trained Home Stager has been extensively train to view your home with a critical eye, create focal points, create great first impressions and bring out the best features in your home. Statistics show that over 90% of Realtors recommend staging a home.

My home was professionally decorated, why do I need to stage?
Your home was decorated with your taste in mind. A professional Home Stager will stage your home so it will appeal to most buyers and works on drawing attention to the architectual details of your home.

Don’t leave anything to chance. Get it right the first time!
For more information on how Home Staging can help sell your home, please contact Elegant Stager at 708-209-0087 or go to our website at